Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Books Being Adapted Into Movies Coming Out in 2019

I'm always interested in what movies are coming out based on books - whether it is books I have already read and am curious to see how they are adapted, or books I've heard of and want to read before I see the movie.  Yes, I'm generally a firm believer in reading the book before seeing the movie - and also for the most part tend to find that the book version is better than the movie version.

Interestingly, of the books being adapted into movies that I included in my 2018 post on the same subject, I only ended up seeing two of the movies.  "Ready Player One" was an entertaining enough movie, but nowhere near as good as the book.  "Crazy Rich Asians," on the other hand, I was lukewarm on the book but loved the movie.  Go figure.  I did end up reading all the books I hadn't read that I mentioned in the post, but didn't end up seeing the other three movies - "Annihilation" because I hated the book, and "Red Sparrow" and "Love Simon" because I just didn't get around to seeing them.

Without further ado, here are some more books that are coming out as movies this year!  Like last year, I'm not going to include every single adaptation, just those that sound interesting to me  - and I'll separate the below list into books I've already read, and other books/movies I'm potentially interested in.

Books I've Read

Where'd You Go Bernadette - Maria Semple (March 22) - Interestingly, I included this one on my 2018 movie adaptation list last year!  I guess the movie was postponed quite a bit, which doesn't always bode well.   I liked the book, though not quite as much as many people did - it's a comedic look at families, private school parents, and computer company culture, among other things, along with the mystery of the disappearance of the title character, as investigated by her teenage daughter.  I recently saw the trailer and it looks entertaining, with Cate Blanchett playing Bernadette.

The Woman in the Window - A.J. Finn (October 4) - This book is about an agoraphobic woman who hasn't left the house in almost a year, who also has a drinking problem and is not properly taking her psychiatric meds, who likes to spy on her neighbors and believes she witnesses a murder - or did she?   I debated whether to put this on the list, because I kind of hated the book, which for me was wildly over-hyped and also milked the unreliableness of the narrator way too much to create suspense.  All that being said, this kind of book sometimes makes a better movie, and the cast is pretty good - Amy Adams, Gary Oldman, and Julianne Moore.

The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt (October 11) - I know this book was a love it or hate it book - I was firmly on the love it side as I found it just brilliant.  The book is really rather long with quite a sprawling plot so I'm a little concerned about how they're going to have to condense that down to make it a cohesive movie, but I'm definitely interested to see the adaptation.  And this one also has a great cast - Nicole Kidman, Sarah Paulson, and Ansel Elgort.

Other Books/Movies I'm Interested In

The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness (March 1) - The movie version of this has actually changed the title of the movie to the title of the series it is a part of - "Chaos Walking."  The digital version of this book was literally one of the very first books I ever bought on my kindle - all the way back in December 2011 - and yet I never read it!  From the description, it's a young adult dystopian set in a place where all the women have died, and also everyone remaining can hear each other's thoughts - and the main character, a 13 year old boy, flees town and discovers a girl - whose thoughts he can't hear.  I'm a little less into the young adult dystopians than I used to be - and the movie versions tend to fall short of the books.  But since I do own it, perhaps it's finally time to read it!

The Aftermath - Rhidian Brook (March 22) - This book/movie is set in post World War II Germany, where a British colonel helping with rebuilding and de-Nazifying and his family move in with a German family - and the trailer looks like maybe there is some forbidden romance between the British wife and the German man?  I had never heard of the book, but the trailer looked interesting and I like Keira Knightley.  I also do enjoy World War II fiction but haven't read much about the post-war years in Germany so that seems interesting too.

The Sun Is Also a Star - Nicola Yoon (May 17) - This is a young adult novel about a teenager who meets a cute boy and falls for him right when her family is about to be deported to Jamaica.  I've been meaning to read this one for a while.

Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer (September 9) - I never got around to reading this middle grade fantasy series, but apparently the book is another one recommended to people who like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, both of which I'm a big fan of.  Plus Dame Judi Dench!

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