Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Anticipated Books of January 2023

A few weeks ago, I brought you my most anticipated books of 2023, and now I’m back to my monthly anticipated book posts where I can tell you about even more books I’m excited for.  So today I’m sharing my most anticipated books of January 2023.  And even this isn't the full list of books coming out in January that I'm likely to read at some point, just the ones I'm most looking forward to reading. Although I have early copies of some of them, I haven’t started reading 2023 books yet, so I have my work cut out for me - but in an exciting way! 

Here they are by US pub date - note that some of these are out already in the UK and/or Australia:

Monday, December 12, 2022

Anticipated Books of 2023

Somehow it's almost the end of the year, which means it's time for me to reveal my most anticipated books of 2023!  I’ve always enjoyed looking to see what books are going to be published in the near future.  Indeed, for me, tracking upcoming books is kind of its own hobby, separate from reading.  

For the last few years, in addition to my anticipated books of the year posts, I’ve been doing monthly anticipated book posts which allow me to feature even more books.  But putting together my most anticipated books of the year in addition to my anticipated books each month is still something I will always keep doing.  This list is limited to just the TOP books I’m most super-excited about - the ones I will be making it a priority to read.  It was so hard to narrow it down that these are all books by authors who I’ve already read and loved, though there are definitely some great sounding debuts coming next year too!  To narrow it down, I also only included a book if it had a set release date and a cover. 

My longer list has at least three times as many books as I am discussing here, but for this post, I limited myself to 25 books.  Well, I tried to limit it to 25, but I ended up with 26 anyway.  😂 But anyway, keep an eye out for my monthly posts about anticipated books to see even more books I’m looking forward to, whether they’re ones that just don’t fit here, or ones I hear about later.  And if you are looking for even more bookish content from me, check out my instagram account where I post book-related stuff almost every single day from reviews to anticipated books to other book features.

Now without further ado, here are the 2023 releases that I’m most looking forward to, so you can go ahead and request from Netgalley/get on the library waitlist/pre-order them if you so desire!  I am lucky enough to have ARCs of a few of these, but I decided not to read any of my 2023 advanced copies of books until 2023, so I haven’t read any yet!  So all my descriptions are just based on their publisher blurbs or what I’ve heard from early reviewers.

So, here they are, listed in order of their current US publication date, which is listed in parentheses after the title and author of each book: