Friday, March 24, 2023

Anticipated Books of April 2023

I’m way behind on reading all the books that came out in March that I wanted to get to, but we’re nearing the end of the month which means I’m also looking ahead to the books coming out in April that I’m most excited for.  April is an absolutely ridiculously stacked month - when I made my list of my most anticipated books of 2023 in December, 8 of the 26 books I included were April books!  I already read advanced copies of three of these; you’ll see my ratings and reviews for them below.  Others I either wasn’t lucky enough to get an ARC, or have them but haven’t gotten to them yet.  If there's no star rating next to it, that means I haven't read it yet and am basing my description on the book's synopsis.

Here they are by US publication date: